Song Mixer

Managing genres

You can access the genre manager from the menu: "Library" -> "Tools" -> "Manage genres"
You can also access the genre manager while editing song details by clicking the "..." button next to the genre field
You can also access the genre manager from the mood ring.

Advanced Tools: To access the Advanced Genre Tools portion of the genre manager, click on the green ">" button at the top.

Genres, or types of music, are a very important aspect of Song Mixer.  One of the key features of Song Mixer is to randomly select songs using the mood ring to select songs of a particular style.

You can have as many different genres as you'd like, and in fact it's best to have a wide variety.  For example having only "Rock" to describe all rock music is going to make it difficult to organize your music in a way that would allow the mood ring to work well.  Instead you may wish to have genres like "grunge, slow rock, happy rock, angry rock, etc..."

There are advanced tools to help you organize genres:

If you make any changes to your genres the 'Save' button will turn red indicating that there are unsaved changes to the gerne manager.  Click it to save your changes and the button will return to orange.  Or if you want to cancel your changes close the genre manager and reopen it without saving.
