Song Mixer

Song details

To bring up a song's details double click on the song from the list.
Editing song details is an important part of organizing your library.

Lets go through each field one by one:

Below these fields are read-only fields from the song's ID3 tag, some of them can be copied back to this song's main fields by clicking the "Copy" button to the right of the field.

The Play button allows you to listen to this song.  You can listen to a song even if it's defined as Offline, as long as you insert the disc before you click this button.

When using the Copy to checkmarked commands, it is helpful to note there is a shortcut to checkmarking certain songs.
From the main list, right click to bring up this menu.
This will allow you to select all songs in the same folder, by the same artist, or in the same album as the song you right clicked on

See Also

Organizing your Library
